Akelius Residential Property AB

why Akelius

Akelius cares for its staff

As an employee at Akelius, you will get benefits that are amongst the best within the real estate industry.
Benefits include pension schemes, health care, sports, and education.

In all countries you get

  • offices in central locations with a high-quality working environment
  • paid public holidays
  • up to 36 months unpaid parental leave
  • fruit and refreshments in the office
  • compassionate leave
  • health and keep-fit allowance
  • Biennial, a company event every second year
  • internal industry specific education
  • paid time off
  • time off for helping immediate family in case of accident or illness
  • internal recruitment policy

country specific benefits

work for an honorable company

Akelius’ staff turnover is low.
Sick leave is low, two percent.

We promote a healthy work environment,
where respect and fairness are paramount.

A key feature that I have always respected within Akelius is that the best idea wins.
No matter who comes up with it.
This drives the company and encourages everyone to present their ideas.

Ralf Spann, CEO

open-door policy and flat hierarchies

Akelius has an open-door policy.
Anyone may approach anyone.

No symbols of prestige or status.

make a career within Akelius

You can develop quickly and make a career within Akelius.

Akelius’ policy is to promote in-place staff to higher positions.

When there is a vacant position, Akelius tries to find a candidate internally before seeking externally.

During my years with Akelius I have hired 150 employees.
I have learned that attitude and ambition beat a résumé.
It is better to focus on a person's attitude and ambition and less on their résumé.

At Akelius we look to promote internally before we look elsewhere.
Eighty percent of Akelius’ top thirty leaders have been recruited internally.

Ralf Spann, CEO

Leanna Wilding

Service Center Manager

Julio Viana

Head of Montreal

best educated staff

All employees receive internally developed training relevant to their roles.

Relevant education ensures that the company has the best educated staff in the real estate industry.

New staff attend the onboarding program Welcome to Akelius.
The program includes online training and an in-person seminar focused on Akelius’ history, culture, values, policies, and business idea.

Akelius’ internal experts produce and deliver all training.
The education focuses on

  • processes, to ensure efficiency and best practice
  • practical training, for efficient use of systems and applications
  • soft skills, such as leadership and media training
  • sustainability topics to incorporate sustainability in all aspect of the business

Akelius benefits from having internally developed education,
focusing on the need of the staff and the company.

We put a lot of effort into educating our staff and I know that every time my staff attend an internal course, I know they will return better educated.

Ralf Spann, CEO

offices in good locations

Akelius owns its own office buildings in most cities.
Akelius wants to offer its clients a better living,
and its staff a better work environment.

A high-quality work environment includes spacious offices, fast internet, comfortable furniture, central locations, and art.

international career opportunities

Akelius has officies in nine metropolitan cities, 
New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Toronto, Montreal London, Paris, Stockholm, and Berlin.

The company welcomes and promotes international careers.

the Biennial

Every second year Akelius has its companywide event - the Biennial.
The Biennial is an opportunity for all staff in Akelius to get together.

The purpose of the Biennial has been the same from the beginning.
The idea is to get all staff together, get to know and learn from each other.

The Biennial is a mix of education, networking, cultural events, and sports activities.

exploring Europe together

The first Biennial was held in Riga, the capital of Latvia.
After that, Biennials have been spread throughout Europe and North America.

The 2019 Biennial was the longest and most geographically spread out.
One thousand participants went on a Baltic cruise starting and ending in Stockholm.

The cruise visited

  • Tallinn, Estonia
  • Helsinki, Finland
  • Mariehamn, Åland

a great opportunity to build the organization

One voice about the Biennial is Sandra Blomqvist, responsible for education and communication at Akelius.

Sandra attended the Biennials in Berlin 2008, Haparanda 2011, London 2013, Potsdam 2015, Stockholm 2019, and Toronto 2022.

The Biennial provides great professional training and gives us the opportunity to meet with colleagues from all over the world.

It was very enriching to meet and discuss on a personal level with people that I have only exchanged emails with,
says Sandra. 

As with many who attended, Sandra’s agenda was busy.
Giving presentations and receiving training, but also sightseeing and activities with colleagues.

the Biennial through the years

2024Bratislava - Vienna

Akelius donates to charity

Akelius’ main owner is the Akelius Foundation.
The main purpose of the Foundation is charity.

Akelius Foundation has donated EUR 125 million to UNICEF, SOS Children’s Villages, Doctors without Borders, UNHCR only since 2017.

The work done by the Akelius Foundation is something to be proud of.
I believe most of our staff are proud to contribute.

Ralf Spann, CEO

digitalization of operations

Akelius invests heavily in the digitalization of its operations.
Probably more than any other real estate company.

Akelius Technology’s main task is to develop Akelius’ own applications in a close cooperation with the operations.

Read more about Akelius Technology here.